Watch out!

· 1 min read
Watch out!

uhr kaufen How do witches tell time anyway?

It’s a common misconception that witches only come out at night. In reality, witches are just like you and me; they wake up in the morning, brush their teeth (or tooth), and go to work — they may even sit the cubical beside you or, worse, be your boss! But one thing that is different about witches is how they tell time.

Witches use a variety of methods to tell time, but the most common is using a sundial. Sundials work by casting a shadow on a marked surface. The position of the shadow tells the witch what time it is. Sundials are especially popular among gardeners and farmers, as they can be used to determine when to plant and harvest crops.

Another method that witches use to tell time is by using an hourglass. Hourglasses work by allowing sand to fall from the top chamber to the bottom chamber. The amount of time it takes for all the sand to fall is equal to the amount of time that has passed. Hourglasses are popular among Witches because they can be used to time spell castings.

The last method we’ll discuss is using a pocket watch. Pocket watches are small, portable clocks that fit in your pocket. They work by having gears that turn and move the hands around the face of the clock. Pocket watches are popular among Witches because they can be used to keep track of time while on the go. You know, places to be, spells to cast…

As you can see, there are a variety of ways that witches tell time. We’re fortunate that they don’t use smartwatches & apps — yet. So if you see a colleague checking the time with a sundial, an hourglass, or a pocket watch, be sure not to upset her. You may be turned into a frog.

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